Page Lifecycle

Version 244.2 by Vincent Massol on 2019/02/12

XWiki offers to perform several actions on a document (a.k.a a page).


There are three ways to create new pages.

You can edit an existing page and create a link to your new page (either in Wiki mode or in WYSIWYG mode). The resulting link will show up with a question mark next to it, showing it as a non-existent page. Simply click on the link to create the page as a child of the current page.


This will take you directly to the edit mode for the missing page. This is the recommended approach as it'll allow you to create a hierarchy while you create new pages.

Users and applications can provide pages that can be used as templates when creating new pages. The new page content (content, objects and other meta data) will be replicated from the template. When clicking on a "wanted link", if there are available templates, you will be asked to select one:


Then you will be taken to the Inline Form edit mode corresponding to the selected page template.

By using the Add Page action

You can create a new child page for the current page by using the plus icon located to the right of the page title.


This will open the Create Page wizard where you can specify the title of the new page.

By default, the new page will be created as a child of the current page. If you don't want that, then you can change the location of the target page using the page picker (by selecting an existing parent).

Note: When creating a new page from the wiki's homepage (i.e. clicking the plus icon from the wiki's homepage), there is an exception to the above behavior. In this case, the default is to create a top level page instead of a child of the current page (homepage). If your intention was really to create a child of the homepage (which is not usually the case for homepages), then you can use the page picker and select the homepage as parent of the new page.

You can also select a template for the new page.

Once you're done click the "Create" button and you will be able to edit your newly created page right away.

This is what you'll see if you're a simple user:

And if you're an advanced user you'll be able to control whether the page created will be a Terminal page (i.e. a page that cannot have children, see also Terminology) or not:


By entering directly the URL of the new page

You can also enter the new page name (and its path) directly in the URL of your browser. For example http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Movies/Thriller/Rear Window. If the target page doesn't exist then you'll get an empty page with a message saying that the page doesn't exist and there'll be a link to create it:



This allows the editing of a page. See the page editing tutorial for more details.


Whenever you click on a link to a page XWiki automatically shows the page in view mode. This is the default mode. XWiki also supports displaying the page in other formats that may be more adapted to specific circumstances:


You can view the content of a page without having to edit it (and thus you don't need edit rights). This option is shown only for users in Advanced Mode

To see the code when using the Flamingo skin, you have to go to the More Actions menu, and click on View Source.




Users with the comment right can leave comments on pages. This allows them to provide feedback without requiring edit rights.


On the Flamingo skin

By pressing the permalink button, it is provided the comment link, giving to the user the functionality of going to that comment location.

If a user has the specific rights, he can delete a comment.


A page can contain attachments. See Attachments for more details.


Displays the version history of the page. See Version Control for more details.


Displays some information on the page.

Since 11.1RC1 We also display in this section the reference of the current page. The reference is by default displayed to the local wiki, but you can switch it to get a global reference for all wiki in a farm. The right button allow you to quickly copy it to the clipboard.



There are several possible printing options (what you see may vary depending on the Skin used).

When using the Flamingo Skin, you will find the Print Preview by clicking on More Actions:

  • Print Preview: Generates a page which is formatted so that it can be easily printed using your browser's Print feature.



There are several possible exporting formats that XWiki supports: PDF, RTF, XAR, HTML. See the Export feature for more information.

On the Flamingo skin:


Removes a page and puts it in the trash. 


A confirmation is asked before the removal is done. Here, you can decide either or not to delete the children along with the current page.


Note: When deleting a non-terminal page and the only child of that page is the 'WebPreferences' terminal page, the 'Affect children' checkbox will be checked by default. Normally, it would be unchecked, but in this case we`ve noticed that it`s very easy to forget about that page (since it's hidden and automatically created when going into 'Page Administration') and your deleted page might still show up in some places because of that leftover. You can still uncheck it if you know what you are doing.

Then, you have to wait during the deletion of the page:


And finally, you have the success message:


Note that if someone else is currently performing an action on the page you want to delete, you might see the following information box:

The deletion will automatically resume when the other job is finished or cancelled. You should't quit the page, since some questions can be asked during the deletion.

Pages that belong to extensions

Before the success message, you might see the following screen:

It happens when you try to delete a page that belong to an extension. This page could be one of the children of the current page. If you continue the delete action, the extension will not work anymore.

Moreover, it is not recommended to delete pages that belong to extensions manually. You should use the Extension Manager instead.

This screen makes you able to select precisely which pages to remove and which ones to preserve. You can also abort the action by clicking on the "Cancel" button.

Pages that contains an used XClass

Starting with 10.10RC1, you might also see one of the following screen:

It happens when you try to delete a page that contains an XClass which is used somewhere. This page could be one of the children of the current page. If you continue the delete action, some other pages will not work anymore. That is why the action is completely forbidden for simple users. Advanced users are allowed to chose precisely the pages to remove and those to preserve. They can also abort the action by clicking on the "Cancel" button.


To restore a deleted page or remove it from the trash (you'll need to have Admin permissions), check the documentation for the Index Application.


If you want to create a copy of an existing page then you have to navigate to that page (access that page in view mode) and then select the Copy entry from the page menu (that is located to the right of the page title).


This will take you to the Copy Page Wizard where you can specify the title of the copy and its new location.


If the page is translated in multiple languages then you can select which translation to copy, or you can copy all the translations. If the page has child pages then you can choose to copy them as well (this way you can replicate a hierarchy of pages).


Once you click the Copy button you are taken to the Copy Status page where you can see the options that you have selected and the progress of the copy operation. The copy is performed asynchronously. The progress bar is replaced with the operation status at the end in order to let you know if the operation succeeded or failed. You can use the breadcrumbs to navigate to the new page or the old one.

Starting with 11.1RC1, you might see the following box information instead of the progress bar if another job is currently performed against the pages you selected:


If you want to rename or move an existing page then you have to navigate to that page (access that page in view mode) and then select the Rename entry from the page menu (that is located to the right of the page title).


This will take you to the Rename Page Wizard where you can specify the new page title (if you want to rename) and/or the new page location (if you want to move the page to a different location).

This is what you'll see if you're a simple user (Note: you can only see the options to Move / Rename or Delete if you have the Delete Rights or if you are making the changes on a page you've created):

And if you're an advanced user you'll be able to also control whether the new page will be a Terminal page (i.e. a page that cannot have children, see also Terminology) or not:


If the page has child pages then you can choose to move them to the new location as well. This way the hierarchy under the renamed page is going to be preserved. Otherwise, if you choose to preserve the current path of the child pages (keep the children in place) then they will become "orphans": they will still be accessible with the same URLs (bookmarks are not broken) but they will have a missing parent (which you can fix by creating the parent page later).

You can also select whether to update the wiki pages that have links pointing to the affected pages.

In case there are external links (e.g. bookmarks) to the renamed page (or its child pages) they will be broken after the rename unless you choose to create an automatic redirect from the old location to the new one.


Once you click the Rename button you are taken to the Rename Status page where you can see the options that you have selected and the progress of the rename operation. The rename, like the copy, is performed asynchronously. The progress bar is replaced with the operation status at the end in order to let you know if the operation succeeded or failed. You can use the breadcrumbs to navigate to the new page or the old one.

Starting with 11.1RC1, you might see the following box information instead of the progress bar if another job is currently performed against the pages you selected:

Pages that belong to extensions

Before the success message, you might see the following screen:

It happens when you try to rename a page that belong to an extension. This page could be one of the children of the current page. If you continue the rename action, the extension might not work anymore.

This screen makes you able to select precisely which pages to rename and which ones to preserve. You can also abort the action by clicking on the "Cancel" button.

Pages that contains an used XClass

Starting with 10.10RC1, you might also see one of the following screen:

It happens when you try to rename or move a page that contains an XClass which is used somewhere. This page could be one of the children of the current page. If you continue the renaming/moving action, some other pages will not work anymore. That is why the action is completely forbidden for simple users. Advanced users are allowed to chose precisely the pages to move and those to preserve. They can also abort the action by clicking on the "Cancel" button.


There are still some limitations on renaming:

  • backlinks have to be turned on (they are turned on by default but if you have turned them off, rename will not rename backlinks and you'll have to turn them on again to benefit from this feature)
  • backlinks located in XObjects and translated content are not currently renamed. You can track this issue XWIKI-981 to follow the progress.
  • backlinks are saved when a page is saved thus it may happen with a clean XWiki database that backlinks are not saved. In this special case, you can call the following in a page to refresh all links (you'll need to be admin to do this):

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